Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Agua de Mayo

Philippines had been experiencing intense heat these past few days; temperature ranging from 35 to 36.6°C. As the month of May approaches, everyone's dreading the hottest temperature our country will experience. The PAGASA even forecasts that the temperature for May 1 will reach 37°C, the hottest day for 2012. Filipinos have been preparing for this - drinking lots of water, staying inside the air conditioned room, and wearing light clothes. Around 12 to 1 in the afternoon, the white clouds and blue sky turned to gray. There goes the rain. The unexpected rain that everyone's longing for.

Filipinos have this belief that the first rain of May, also called as Agua de Mayo, can cure sickness and will bring good luck. Some even decides to bathe in the rain like me and my brother. I know there's this global warming thing-y and it's not safe anymore to shower in the rain as this may be acid rain already. But who cares? I wait for five minutes before I went outside our house to feel the rain. Thinking that the first few drops are the acids haha! Me, my brother and my cousin showered in the rain. We enjoyed it since we've been experiencing headaches due to heat. It also brings back the child in us. The air is cold after that rain. It lasted for an hour, I guess. It helped cool down the environment.

But is the first rain of May really brings good luck? I hope so! Its a belief that was passed from generations to generations and there's nothing to lose if we keep on believing, right? I wished I took photos of the rain drops but I was so overwhelmed that I forgot and bathe in the rain instead :)


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