Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Her Not-So-9-Months of Pregnancy

Yes my bestfriend gave birth last Thursday, May 17, to a beautiful baby girl. Will make another blog post about baby Sam in the future. First, I'll blog about how we discovered that she was pregnant. 

NOVEMBER: My bestfriend asked me to accompany her in the Ob-gyne (not that she knew she was pregnant already but because women our age are suppose to have their visit with a gynecologist). I accompanied her on Friday afternoon. Her Ob asked her to have her ultrasound the day after, so she had her scheduled ultrasound the next day.
Dinner after her check-up.
That time we still don't have any idea that she's soon to be mommy.
She texted me right after her ultrasound and told me (not sure if this is the correct number) "bez (3) weeks and (something something) days". I forgot how many weeks and days she was pregnant that time. Anyway, I replied with "What??!! You have to wait that long for the result of your ultrasound?" and she answered with "Bez I'm preggy." When she told me that, I was in a wow!-i'm so stupid i didn't get that-congrats-i'm happy for you-but why to soon feelings. I laughed when I learned that I overreact with her having the result that long; I was so happy for her that a little angel is on her way; but I'm shocked and wondered why too soon. Actually, most of our friends and batchmates are pregnant and mothers/fathers already. Ideally, our age is the right time to get pregnant but personally I don't want to get pregnant (right now maybe i'll two to three years). 
My bestfriend little angel.
Her first month of pregnancy was difficult. She suffered from bleeding and spotting so she was advised to have her bed rest for a week.
We had dinner at her house when my friends learned
that she's having a baby.
DECEMBER: My grandmother passed away but my bestfriend was there at the wake to comfort me. I didn't expect her to be there because tita thess, her mother, is very superstitious and she believed that its not good for pregnants to visit or attend a funeral.
During my grandma's wake.
FEBRUARY: January has been a very busy month for me (with all the coping and fixing everything in place). So my friends planned an out of town outing before my birthday and for the preggy to breath some fresh air. She was on her fourth month of pregnancy but she still managed to walk and walk at Zoobic Safari, stayed late for Pier One and walked the rocky sides of Anawangin Cove.
Zoobic Safari and Pier One
Anawangin Cove
 MARCH: Baby's gender were identified on the fifth month. A baby girl.
We went to Manila Ocean Park and watched the Pyromusical at MOA. While on the road, me and my friends came up with (funny) names for the baby. Funny because we tried to combine the name of the mommy and the daddy. The name sounds silly.
APRIL: On her sixth month, we had an early dinner for my bestfriend's late birthday celebration. Look how big her tummy was.
MAY: My bestfriend was that persistent. She texted me everyday and asked if we could go out of town. Remember, how I told you "why so soon?" and "why I don't want to get pregnant yet" because there are things that I wanted to do as a single person. My friends and I were worried about her pregnancy but she always told us that she needed time to relax so we gave it to her.
TWO WEEKS AFTER OUR PICNIC: Faye and I accompanied her to her check-up. When she got out of the clinic, she told us that she was about to gave birth and her doctor already asked her to go to the hospital and be admitted. We were shocked and kept on analyzing what happened. Maybe it was all about stress, work and out of town trips (but hey, we weren't the only one to accompany her out of town. Other friends and family too). 
Dinner before giving birth.
MAY 17: Baby Out!! She successfully gave birth to baby Sam. Info about this day is to be blog some other time.
The pregnancy milestone of my bestfriend who doesn't listen with our advices about her pregnancy. 
A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months,
in your arms for three years,
and in your heart till the day you die.
-Mary Mason


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